Friday, July 31, 2009



let me be



Let me live

as an essay without abstract,

pirate’s trunk without treasure map,

and undocumented comet.

Define me, if you must,

as an improvised patchwork being,

ephemeral mirage,

and gypsy collage.

Don’t make me claim

a country of ancestral descent,

language of origin,

or family tree.

I will not pronounce

a bulleted outline of my life’s agenda,

exegesis of past occurrences,

or report of my present sentiments.

I do not fit into

a personality test result,

list of implied obligations,

or eternal legacy of inborn traits.

Save your myopic documentary of this soul’s aura

for my epitaph

floating from a nomadic breath of wind

down to the rise and fall of the restless Pacific.


The faded sky cries.

These eyes can’t.

I’m over it all though,

Of course.

Wind flies between my fingers.

Take me away.



Cows feed their babies.

Where’s mine?

Can I be a cow?

That would be more funner.

I wish I were a poet.

That would be romantic.

And dramatic.

But I’m too tired tonight.

Let’s go to Cuba.

Forget school.

I can be a maid!

Can I be yours?

So, I think we should get married.

Cuz I like you

And today you said my ears look good.

I think that’s a pretty good reason.

I’m not high,

FYI, Mr. Polo-and-Sperry’s!

I’m going to be a real counselor when I grow up.

Since I guess I can’t really be a cow.


Quiet cramps kill ambition

Invisibly eating strength

Diluting muscle


Slouching sloth seeking relief

Horizontally active attempt

Ease pain


Medicine meanders millimetrically slow

Finally settles sedatively

Deep drowsiness



I waited

For the sky blue box

To pop up in the corner of my screen

Saying “hi”

From you

One syllable

To free my heart

And tell me you care

At least

That’s how I read it

Or would read it

If only you

Wrote to me

Right now

Wherever you are

But you aren’t

And I don’t understand

What goes on in your thoughts


What doesn’t

I skipped dinner

I skipped dinner


to avoid you.

Your shape,

my eyes dodge it


Those eyes



Is it me

who makes them spear my lungs?

Am I irrational?


what is your face?

Your eyes?

What are you,

but a feeling,

but pain?

Why should it hurt?

Happy memories

that are no more,

…that are no more.

I killed



didn’t I?

I did.

Emphasis on the “I”

I killed them.

I ended it

us being Taco Bell hobos,

homework parties past dawn,

memories on The Couch,

tickle fights.

It was my choice.

My decision.

I also put an end to the other fights though.

Those with tears.


that demanded Excedrin.

Too much.

That left me alone

when I shouldn’t have been.

I ended it.

Yet I fear you.

What is it

that makes me seem an ant

soon to be squished

in a boy’s fist?

Being replaced

so easily

and seeing you happy

now with her?

Wondering if she’s just as “amazing”?

watching you do with her

what you once did with me?

Probably d.)

All of the above.

It hurts.

A lot.


So I skipped dinner



I got lost in London
To find myself,
I thought.
To figure out who this person I call me
Might be.

I looked for traces of me
In the slim blonde businessman
Chuckling with old friends at a pub
Over a chilled Guinness.

I looked in a fishnet-clad girl
Searching vacantly for a customer
On a lonely street corner.

In a blue-eyed boy
Staring at me
As he clings to his mother’s skirt.

I even looked in a mob of hungry grey pigeons
And a bottle of Spanish wine
For something that was me.

I found London has a culture
And I want to belong to it.
I want to have old friends
To drink a Guinness with
I need a street corner
That feels mine.
Even pigeons belong to a park.

I didn’t find me.
I spied on a city full of people
With their lives rooted in London.

I didn’t find me.
I found people
With roots I’ve never had.
So I drank
The bottle of Spanish wine that is not me.

But it only made me more blurry.


Vodka would be good.

White amnesia. Sleeping freefall.

From abrasive, toxic, agony… reality.

Glaring scrutiny of my naked, broken soul.

Strength pleads fiercely for recess.

Inhaling deep, under a crushing, acrid ocean.

From plastic smiling cold, lonely frown.

For an inviting audience of his mocking fools.

Writer's block

16 minute minutes remain

empty ideas doused

brain soaked thoughtless swamp

roll, sit up, stretch

stumble to sink

ponder mirror

splash water to face


receive inspiration

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


local foreigner of everywhere
with a rootless seaweed soul
floating forever ahead
leaving forever behind
fragments of nothing concrete
as today’s currents drift
to the next atlas page

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


sworn to abstain

from mentioning

callous infidelity

against the soul

who cherished him

until he extinguished

that capability in her

and morphed love

into a taboo enigma

Monday, July 20, 2009

We breathe

We most often play

we are happy

and full

though in the bathroom

or in bed

at night

we really get naked

and maybe cry

or not

but we let ourselves,

the real us,

out to


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


She murdered some bees

with a towel and a beach.

Squish squash went each

to their finish so… final.

She shadowed them

smothered them

smashed them

til they reached their end

under her strong hand

striking the sand

as her friends looked on quizzically.

Powerful, she towered

victorious, she loomed

triumphant, she billowed

as she stood so victorious

among corpses of the notorious

who had lived as laborious

as stinging insects generally do.

Alas, her big toe

was poked



for despite their disastrous defeat

they took their revenge on her feet.

Now forever she’ll quietly retreat

when she sees a bee on a beach... and has a towel handy.