Tuesday, July 14, 2009


She murdered some bees

with a towel and a beach.

Squish squash went each

to their finish so… final.

She shadowed them

smothered them

smashed them

til they reached their end

under her strong hand

striking the sand

as her friends looked on quizzically.

Powerful, she towered

victorious, she loomed

triumphant, she billowed

as she stood so victorious

among corpses of the notorious

who had lived as laborious

as stinging insects generally do.

Alas, her big toe

was poked



for despite their disastrous defeat

they took their revenge on her feet.

Now forever she’ll quietly retreat

when she sees a bee on a beach... and has a towel handy.


  1. hehe :) - you should try asking them to go away like a shaman :)

  2. everytime I read your posts or poems or others, it makes me feel like im reading a... children's story book. its really good :)
