Friday, July 31, 2009


I got lost in London
To find myself,
I thought.
To figure out who this person I call me
Might be.

I looked for traces of me
In the slim blonde businessman
Chuckling with old friends at a pub
Over a chilled Guinness.

I looked in a fishnet-clad girl
Searching vacantly for a customer
On a lonely street corner.

In a blue-eyed boy
Staring at me
As he clings to his mother’s skirt.

I even looked in a mob of hungry grey pigeons
And a bottle of Spanish wine
For something that was me.

I found London has a culture
And I want to belong to it.
I want to have old friends
To drink a Guinness with
I need a street corner
That feels mine.
Even pigeons belong to a park.

I didn’t find me.
I spied on a city full of people
With their lives rooted in London.

I didn’t find me.
I found people
With roots I’ve never had.
So I drank
The bottle of Spanish wine that is not me.

But it only made me more blurry.


  1. i m not gonna lie, I would love to get lost in random place around Europe.
    I got lost in Singapore one time, it was amazing experience, I would get lost in Europe,
    London or Paris, just to enjoy the culture.

  2. London is like that isn't it :(
    It's hard to connect - and when you do it can be so hectic.
    But theres still all the little and big parks - the little and big galleries the little and big events. It not a case of not enough but of too much but then London's like that.

  3. Mark- Getting lost is fun and it helped me feel more local.

    Steve- Do you live in London? I can't remember if you said you did.
    Rather than trying to find a large group to belong to I like to get to know individuals. There are always things we have in common. It's fun meeting people so different yet so the same as I. That's what I love about London. Everyone is so different yet so the same. I remember one day sitting in a park where everyone was either drunk or on their way to being drunk. There were some homeless guys and some fancy business men and we were all there together. All the same.
